Specialized Supports
Exclusive Services
No two children are alike and we celebrate inclusion in our classrooms. A Montessori classroom with its multi-aged students help one other to achieve their potential, whether it's working on speech goals, OT or PT goals, or behaviour and emotional regulation.
Our students can't wait to support each other and celebrate accomplishments, together we are a community of diverse students!
Program Unit Funding (PUF) and Mild/Moderate Services
We provide Program Unit Funding (PUF) and Mild/Moderate funding for students who are mild, moderately or severely delayed. We have a team of therapists and dedicated staff to work individually with students, guided through an IPP (Individualized Program Plan), working with parents to help our students reach their full potential.
Our Team
Our team include a Speech/Language Pathologist (SLP), an Occupational Therapist (OT), a Physiotherapist (PT) and Behavourial Therapist (BT), as well as assigned aides to work one on one with a students. Assessments begin the journey of knowing what specific needs are to be worked on, and parents meet regularly with the Specialized Supports Team to actively participate in helping to meet the indivdiual needs of the child.
Please contact Sharlene Brown with any inquiries or questions regarding the Specialized Supports program. Sharlene is fully committed to addressing support needs to ensure no child is left behind.